Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Symbol and Word slang

So there is symbol slang and there is word slang, but there is also slang where it uses words and symbols or numbers. these are the least commonly used parts of internet slang. Some of these are gr8 (great), h8 (hate), m8 (mate), l8r (later), l8 (late), 2 (too, to or two), 1st (first), 2nd (second), 3rd (third), 4th (fourth) ect. with the 'th' ones, b8 (bait), thr3w (threw) this is just an example of how '3' can replace 'e', s1ck (sick) the same thing occurs for '1' to 'i' or '0' to 'o'. as you can see these are all to make things easier like the others or make some words look different to stand out. In my opinion These are the least common internet slang as most people find it pointless or use phones which makes it harder to bring this slang into use as it all requires to change to symbols or numbers. Some of this slang is used in sports and other things that require ranking, these are all the 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th and ect.

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