Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Word Slang

Other than symbol slang there is also word slang. This is the abbreviation of words or sentences to a few letters. Like the symbol slang most people will recognise a lot of the word slang. Most of them are just the first letters of each word put together. Here are some of the most basic ones, lol (laugh out loud), fml (f**k my life), lml ( love my life), dtf ( down to f**k?), dw (dont worry), hru (how are you?), wbu ( what about you), rofl (roll on floor laughing), brb (be right back), js (just saying), jks (jokes), asl (age, sex and location), bday (birthday), bf (boyfriend of best friend), bff (best friends forever), bfff (best f**king freind forever), dnm (deep and meaningful), eod (end of discussion), nwa (ni**as with attitude), gaf (get a life), gf (girl friend), gday(good day), tbh (to be honest), gl (good luck), ily (i love you), msg (message), sry (sorry), thx (thanks), txt (text), ur (your), wru (where are you?), omg (oh my god). As you may have noticed in the list i created for you most of them are the first letter of each sentence. This is just to make it easier and faster for people to communicate on the internet.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good Jake. Some of this does occur quite often around the web and this would be really good for people who need to know the meanings of some internet slang.
